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myLIFE at Emory University teaches adults with autism independence
The Emory Autism Center is making use of the Emory University campus for an initiative to help adults with autism spectrum disorder learn and practice important life skills.

The pilot program, called myLIFE, provides opportunities for young adults with autism to address issues that are important for independent living including interaction with other people, communicating their needs, participating in community events, engaging in health-related activities and getting around on public transportation.

"Studies show that people with autism spectrum disorder learn more about life when interacting with people their own age who do not have the same challenges," explains Toni Thomas, program manager for adult services at the Emory Autism Center. "That’s one of the reasons we decided to make use of the Emory environment and availability of educated volunteers to help each myLIFE group member learn the skills they need to successfully participate in age-appropriate activities with their peers."

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