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Parkinson's Disease
Delivering a knockout punch to Parkinson's

Photo Credit: Richard Corman/Wave Reps

Three-time heavyweight champion of the world, Muhammad Ali, is one of 10,000 patients treated each year at Emory for Parkinson's Disease (PD), a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects an estimated one million Americans. No one knows better than Ali and his family that PD is a complicated illness to treat. Like most chronic illnesses, the interventions needed for comprehensive care are wide-ranging, and the number of specialists involved often necessitates navigating a daunting schedule of appointments for patients and caregivers.
In addition to a movement disorders neurologist, patients with PD often need the help of a psychiatrist, neuropsychologist, physical therapist, geriatrician, sleep specialist, speech therapist, social services worker, and occupational therapist.
Making the rounds of all those professionals takes much longer than a boxing match. Recognizing the need to get all of a patient's care efficiently in one place at one time, Emory's Movement Disorders Program team set out to create a new strategy—one that is comprehensive and integrated. With access to highly trained specialists and innovative research, Emory is throwing Parkinson's a one-two punch.

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